
After the first Undead Assault release in 2021, we have introduced achievements in the game. An achievement is granted when a player performs exceptionally well in a specific area. When a game takes place, the Undead Assault server constantly monitors all players activity. If, during such activity, an achievement is unlocked, you will see it in a small sound notification during the game. Additionally, your current character will say something about the new achievement unlocked. You also can see your achievements both in the safe zone menu and the Undead Assault website.

Achievements are nice things both for players and developers. For us, it's a great way to gather more information about the different ways people are enjoying the same game,. This also helps to determine what is the impact of our decisions in the gameplay. For players, is a great way to show everyone how much you can master the game and make it visible to your public profile in the website. Also, from time to time, we might create some events for players capable of unlocking all new achievements in the smallest possible time.

Below you can see the current achievement's list. From the safe zone menu, you can see the achievements you have unlocked.

List of achievements


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