Undead Assault manual

Here you can read the latest manual of Undead Assault. Take into account, though, that this is an online copy of the same files you might find in the documentation folder withing the game.


Undead Assault is an audiogame based on the popular Zombies mode found in Call of Duty World at War and the Black Opps series. Take on ever increasing hordes of the undead either alone, or as a team. Earn points and occasional bonus items like powerups, extra weapons and more!

This document will cover everything you need to know before playing any of the two available variants of Undead Assault: The variant developed for the Blind Games Russian community (Blind games Edition), or the publicly available version of the game. Please take into consideration that these variants are different and you can download the Blind Games Edition only if you are registered in the Blind Games Community. (in Russian) If you are not part of such community, please use the worldwide available edition, which has the same set of features but uses an account management built into it. Attempting to use the Blind Games edition when not applicable to your case may be sanctioned by banning the whole computer within the Undead Assault Servers.


When downloading any variant of Undead assault, there are two packages available: A zip portable version of the game, and an installer file which will install Undead Assault like any other application in the operating system.

If you downloaded the portable version, just extract the zip package in an empty directory and run the Undead Assault.exe file. In case of the installer version, just open the setup file and follow the installation wizard to complete the process. When finished, you will be able to open the game from the start menu or the desktop.

When running Undead Assault, you will hear the logo sound. After which, the main menu will appear. In this section, you will learn the different menu options and some other important aspects to take into account when using the game.

Note: If you have downloaded the Blind Games variant of Undead Assault, everything will be configured to use the Russian language by default so it will be more confortable.

This is the list of available options in the main menu.


These are the options that you can customize when opening settings.


When trying to connect, you will first have to choose in which server you would like to play, remember that the best thing to do is selecting the one closest to you geografically.

Note: it is necesary to create an account for each different server you'd like to connect to.

Creating an account.

Before logging in for the first time, after selecting which server you'd like to connect to, you will be presented with a submenu where the available options are:

Creating/joining a game

Right after logged in, you will be in the safe zone. To create or join a game, press enter at 0, 0 and choose your desired option from the menu.

Note: When selecting any of these options, a submenu will pop up, where you will be able to start the game, see the connected player's list and leave the game, for your convenience, this menu can be hidden, so you can perform any other tasks in the server while you wait for the game to start, by pressing enter on 0,0 you can open that menu again.



Zombies increase with each round, starting first at 6, after which 4 more zombies will be added, and they will be multiplied by the round number as well.

Each zombie bite takes 20 health points.

From round 5 on, zombies health and power increases.

When zombies get closer to you, you will hear a constant beep indicating their proximity, remember to act fast and kill them before they bite you.


To access other parts of the map, it will be necesary to open the doors by pressing enter on them, for which you must have enough available points. Every door costs 750 points for now.

Note: Once a door has been opened, it will continue that way for the rest of the game.


windows are going to be in most walls of the map and zombies will get randomly out of them so try to stay away from them as long as you can, not to worry, there will be a sound indicating that there is a window at that tyle.

Mistery box

For every zombie you kill, you will earn points. Once you reach 950, you will be allowed to open a mystery box, which contains new weapons and probably more Items in the future. Currently, the only bonus weapons in the game are M16, AK47 and CZ75. The box can be opened 3 times before it is moved. To change its location, simply press enter on it a 4th time. After waiting for about a minute, the box respawns somewhere else. It's default starting location is 0, 0.

When the box is opened (denoted by the sound of a music box) you will have about 10 seconds to grab your prize. The object will spawn 10 coordinates north of the box and is indicated by a beep. Simply walk over the object to pick it up.


With the numbers 1 to 3, you will be able to change weapons, at the moment you can only have 3 weapons on you, which will be replaced if you change them.

Wall weapons.

There is yet another way to get several weapons on the game, you will be able to find them in the locations menu, (Pressing letter D) or by hearing a sound once you are close to their location.

The weapons you can find on the walls are the sword, (Which costs 500 points)M14, (At the cost of 500 points) and the Olympia, (At the cost of 2000 points)


After the start of round 5, you will get 4 different powerups which the server will randomly place, there is an announcement and a distinctive sound for each one of them.

Double Points.

For each kill you get a certain amount of points which allow you to open the mystery box, get the game perks, grab weapons and open doors, while this powerup is on, you will get the amount of points for each kill doubled.

Max Ammo.

This powerup supplies the 2 guns you may have with ammo.


Each round zombies gain more strenght, so this powerup helps you kill them which either just one bullet or one slash from the knife or sword, it only lasts 45 seconds.

Fire sale.

When this powerup starts, you will have as long as the music starts to grab a gun for a discounted points price, even if the mistery box has moved in the map, you will be able to get in the fire sale by using the 0,0, 50-0, 100-0 coordenates, after pressing enter on any of them, you will have to pick up your weapon 10 tyles north of the box.


There are currently 2 perks in the game, to which you can access by opening the doors.


It is now possible to control the volume of the different sounds directly in the game, the way to do this will be explained below:

The sounds are divided into 7 groups, which you can cycle through by using F5 and F6.

Note: To decrease and increase the volume in ranges of 5, use F7 and F8.

Game controls


These are the keys to use while playing Undead Assault on a windows computer.

Using a gamepad

You can play Undead Assault by using a gamepad compatible with Windows computers. Currently Xbox 360, XBox one, Dualshock 3/4 and generic PC gamepads are supported. For gamepads compatible with XInput (such as all XBox controllers and some other pc gamepads), haptic feedback is also available in the game, so you can feel how the joystick rumbles while shooting or attacking a zombie and other actions.

Please connect the joystick and make sure Windows detects it properly before opening the game. If haptic feedback is supported, you will feel a vibration right after the game has started.

You can configure your joystick and test the haptic feedback from the settings menu.

Here you have a list of button names that you also will hear in the configuration wizard for the game controller. Those buttons are associated with certain actions in the game so you will be aware of what you can do with the gamepad when playing:

Server commands

You can introduce these commands by ushing slash, remember to use slash twice, once to open the edit box and the second one to execute the command.


To keep up updated about all game info, visit us at: The Undead Assault's Website


If you still have questions after reading this document, if you wish to collaborate to the project in some way, or have a bug report, you can contact the developer of Undead Assault via Twitter, VK, or via email at manuel(at)manuelcortez(dot)net.

Please note that if you are a Blind Games user, it is generally better to contact them to report issues unless you are fine with communicating everything in english.


There are several people involved in Undead Assault's development. From this section we include a brief list of people who have collaborated to make this possible.

also, thanks to the following people who have helped to translate Undead Assault:


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